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We are not yet doing enough.
Right now, as coaches and trainers, we are not yet doing enough to help our clients achieve their goals and live better. Yes, we’re on the right path, but it’s time to turn our baby steps into long strides.
To change our clients’ lives and get consistent, dramatic, and lasting results, while also giving them the tools to maintain that change and grow, we must alter our approach.

             OUR MISSION


What 99% of clients want is change. If you listen closely, you’ll see it communicated every time they step through our front doors.
They want to change their body from its current state to their version of the “perfect body”. And they’re asking for your help to do it.
Think about the gravity of this request. Think about the trust they’re putting in you. Think about the pressure it puts on you to deliver that result – it’s enough to make any trainer nervous.
But it shouldn’t.
You CAN deliver the change your client wants.
With the right tools and education, you can deliver that change… for every single person who walks through your door.
That’s the truth. But you can’t do it by focusing on just one aspect of body transformation. You can’t do it by defining yourself as a “personal trainer.”
No, to create dramatic results, you need to help manage your clients’ exercise when they’re with you and their lives when they’re not with you.
Exercise alone isn’t enough.


“When you choose long-term growth instead of short-term gain, you are in alignment with fulfilling your own individual potential for its own sake—instead of trying to achieve results only. Being mindful of your true intentions makes all the difference, inside the gym and in life.” – Jai R Dobias-Shaw


If your diet sucks you’ll never reach your true strength potential.

I don’t care how “effective” your training program is, how badly you want to succeed, or how good your genetics are. If you want to be as strong as possible you need to get your nutrition dialed in.

This doesn’t mean you need to eat “clean” (I hate that term) all the time or suffer through every meal. Rather, whatever constitutes the “best” diet will depend entirely on the individual and their specific needs, goals, and preferences.







boxer's training depends largely on the point in their career at which he or she is situated. If the boxer is just a beginner, a minimal training routine might consist of learning how to hit the heavy bag, the speed bag, and the double end bag (a small bag with a cord on top and bottom connecting it to the floor and ceiling) as well as doing shadowboxing in front of a mirror, skipping ropecalisthenics andjogging every day, as well as an occasional practice bout inside the ring (sparring). Most beginning boxers will spend most of their early careers conditioning and establishing the fundamentals. For the amateur or professional boxer preparing for a competition or bout, however, training is much more stringent. Boxing is widely considered one of the most physically demanding sports in the world. 

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